Monday, May 28, 2012

Raspberry bushes

On Saturday we saw an ad in the local free weekly paper for raspberry bushes. A woman one town north of us had lots of overgrown bushes was looking for people to come dig bushes that had overgrown the path through her huge raspberry patch. So we got 16 free red raspberry bushes and she got her paths back! Most of the larger bushes look to be surviving transplanting. I'm not so sure about the smaller ones.
James cut 4 of the large, leafy, oak branches that were overhanging the yard. We now have a bit more sunshine in the vegetable garden and the spot where the apple trees are going in. I hope to have those planted tonight! The sugar snap peas are trellised and have a number of blossoms. The tomatoes are staked or caged. I did a bit of weeding. It was a hot, humid, and pollen heavy weekend so I couldn't get too carried away out there. Can't complain about a three day weekend though.
Friday was a sad day. We had our almost 15 year old labrador/doberman, Kobi, put to sleep. He was getting very weak and his kidneys were beginning to fail. Rather than prolong an unhappy few months we decided to let him go now, as hard as it was to say goodbye. He will be missed very very much. He came to us as a 2 year old, unwanted pup, in the back seat of a coworker's son's Jetta. Seems this guy was recently single and Kobi wasn't fitting into his life style.  The new home he had lined up for Kobi fell through but the guy was moving to a no pets apartment and his mom didn't want to take him in. So she called me and asked if we could keep him at our house until her son found another home. Kobi took one sniff around the backyard and made it quite clear to all that he WAS home.
Tomorrow we all head back to school for a short but busy week. I have 13 days left and the guys get out 4 school days after me. James' big hovercraft race is June 9 so he is busy planning that. Alex starts fencing lessons on June 5 so we will have a couple of really busy Tuesdays.
And then summer will be here and we can breathe a little bit. Just a little. There's LOTS to do!

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