Monday, April 16, 2012

They are here! We picked up Rose and Clover on Saturday morning and brought them home to join Daisy at Caprini Hill. They bonded to Daisy very quickly, crying whenever she is out of sight. She has been putting them in their places, bashing them around a bit, but I suppose it is to be expected since she has been an only goat for about 6 months. It will all work out although I think poor little Rose will always be at the bottom of the herd pecking order. Daisy does seem more content and is much quieter than she had been so she must be revelling in her new role as herd queen. Rose is warming up to her new humans a little faster than Clover. They are letting us pet them as of today, as long as they are eating a few sun flower seeds or other little treats.
Each morning Rose has been very loud. We think she is crying for her mother, Opi, looking for her morning milk. I give her a small amount of grain and after a little while she settles down and goes to eat her hay with the big girls. Clover is very quiet most of the time, letting out a little bah only once in a while.
Alex is spending more and more time with them now that they aren't running in fear from him. He has been giving them lessons on how to use their seesaw, with Daisy's help. He obviously did a good job teaching her two years ago when she was a kid!
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
Hopefully the video will work. I will add some pictures soon too.


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  2. Ugh, need to figure out how to share a video from photobucket. I'm obviously not choosing the right link code. I'll keep trying!
