Somehow over Christmas break I was hit with a wave of inspiration and motivation. I've gotten a sourdough starter going, made yogurt regularly, begun brewing water kefir, soaked nuts and beans and brown rice. Ive fermented several jars of pickles and relish. Looking to find both meat and veggie CSAs to join. Looking for the money to join them.......
J. has been listing things on eBay and making some extra cash. I've been clearing more kitchen items and replacing them with glass, cast iron and stainless steel.
We're down to 10 hens and want to get probably 4 new hicks this spring, probably more Buff Orpingtons and Dominiques, although some among us think a few more Easter angers would be cool.
The goats have not been bred, and probably won't be due to issues with the neighbors. We love them. They'll stay as long as nothing changes in our relationship with neighbors. Or you know, we win the lottery and move....
Off to find more traditional recipes to try!